
rbreich , to Random avatar

SCOTUS has ruled that presidents are essentially monarchs who can commit crimes, bribery is legal, federal regulatory agencies have no authority to keep us safe, and homeless people can be punished for being homeless.

Is it any wonder why public approval of this court is so low?

Incoherentmumblings ,

That's only half the truth.
SCOTUS has ruled that THEY decide when the president can commit crimes. That THEY decide when federal agencies have authority.
This is a coup. The US is shedding the last semblance of a democracy. From now on, SCOTUS is the functional dictatorship of the oligarchs.

artisanrox , avatar


the Public's opinion of this court is wholly irrelevant.

Biden needs to use this decision NOW to make sure nazis aren't a problem inthe upcoming years.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Which is your favorite? There is a right answer.

AmbularD , avatar

@georgetakei Can, then bottle, then restaurnt.

raiaren , avatar

@georgetakei Bottle! 😋

georgetakei , to Random avatar

That's...not correct.

Havant_Enviro , avatar


RSI waiting to happen

michaelslade , avatar

@georgetakei Cool, this dad must be standing on his head.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Alito & Thomas violated SCOTUS' "code of ethics," which requires them to recuse from cases with even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Alito flew 2 insurrectionist flags.

Thomas' wife tried to overturn the election.

If that's not the appearance of conflict, what is?

Osteopenia_Powers , avatar

"code of ethics"

"code of ethics"?

More like lack of ethics.

Huntn00 , avatar

@rbreich They they laughed at ethics. “Excuse us while we complete the dismantling.” 🤬

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Do these machines ever work properly?

weaselx86 , avatar
starraven , avatar


I stayed in a hotel where the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night. There was no fire. On investigation it turned out another guest had started filling the bathtub, laid down on the bed to wait, and then fell asleep. The water spilling over triggered sensors in the floor meant to detect if the room's fire sprinkler was spraying, and trigger the alarm.

I imagine the hotel will care once that melts.

(The front desk might be a better option, though.)

georgetakei , to Random avatar
tknarr , avatar

@georgetakei I disagree with Sotomayor. The President ought to have immunity for what he does as President, ie. official acts. Think Obama ordering Osama bin Laden kidnapped or killed, he shouldn't be able to be prosecuted for that. It's acts outside his office as President that he shouldn't have immunity for, and the Court ruled that he doesn't.

Trump of course is trying to skip the whole showing that his acts were official part, and he's not going to be able to do that.

HolgerFiallo , avatar

@georgetakei Biden need to say that he understand that the Supreen Court states that he can arrest the 6 jugs and Trump due to clear and present danger to the US and replace the Court. He should ask them that question. Would love the answer from them.

rbreich , to Random avatar

By delaying Trump's Jan 6 trial, the Supreme Court's far-right justices have effectively become Trump campaign surrogates.

cdunnpasadena , avatar

How can we prevent the court from stealing the election for trump?
They seem to have become convinced that they are untouchable, and appear to have shed any integrity they once held

LaNaehForaday , avatar


And it wont even matter if we make sure he is never again POTUS.

Once Trump is not elected everyone can put a muzzle on anything Trump because all we need right now is for him to NOT be elected again.

If he is still out of jail and alive in 2028 we will be lucky its only HIM.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

What a visual!

rdm , avatar
Eka_FOOF_A , avatar

The snakes always slithered out.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Oh nooooo 😂

ministerofimpediments , avatar

@georgetakei missed opportunity to swap in an “O” and add a “T” in the middle…

wbpeckham , avatar

@georgetakei am I the only one wondering how painful the payback for this is going to be?

rbreich , to Random avatar

May I have a word with you?

jpaskaruk , avatar


You make me click over to the nazi bar, so you can make me click a fucking link there?

You're an asshole, Reich.

semitones , avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar
jonathanpeterson , avatar

@georgetakei looks like we're depending on black women to save democacy (yet fucking again).

glutto , avatar


...and Vladimir Putin laughs at how easily he destroyed the United States of America. Just stroke the ego of a single narcissist.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Firefly is building fast and breaking things on path to a reusable rocket

"For our base design, we're designing around return to launch site propulsive landing."

APBBlue , avatar

@arstechnica They should read about Apollo 1.

beeoproblem , avatar

@arstechnica is that TEA or engine rich exhaust in that image?

arstechnica , to Random avatar

3 million iOS and macOS apps were exposed to potent supply-chain attacks

Apps that used code libraries hosted on CocoaPods were vulnerable for about 10 years.

darkoneko , avatar

@arstechnica hahaha oh wow

Eliot_L , avatar

@arstechnica apple logo with a keyhole inside it.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
watergirl Bot , avatar

@georgetakei Military tribunals? Anyone who doesn’t think this guy wants to be a dictator and exact retribution is not paying attention!

raiaren , avatar

@georgetakei 💯 💯 💯

georgetakei , to Random avatar
scuderiadellaquila , avatar

@georgetakei From the looks of that picture it looks like someone wanted to make an updated All in the Family without ever watching a single episode of that show.

Toonwatcher , avatar

@georgetakei for some reason Conservatives can't seem to write a joke that doesn't have something to do with people they hate.

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